Totaly support your issues with the latest technology
and advanced planning

Business overview

  • アプリマーケティング事業

    App Marketing business

    Value up your digital marketing plan for App business.

  • IP事業

    IP and Contents business

    Support to develop α new contents, planning a content based promotion.

  • キャスティング事業


    Casting a Talent, artist, voice actor, YouTuber in Japan.

  • 中国ゲームデベロッパーマッチング事業

    Matching business with Chinese Game Developer

    Support to approach Chinese game clinet for making a collaboration.

  • アドテクノロジー事業

    Ad Technology business

    Providing marketing support by utilizing various products of the FreakOut Group.

Expanding globally by leveraging our coverage

We create a business flow no company has made yet. We create a new flow to Crossborder marketing. Making use of our coverage to operational bases in 11 nations.

Note: Business locations of the FreakOut group are placed.(Updated in April, 2024)